1:50:00 A.M.
Later I was reimbursed for my hardworking, sleeping hours (or lack there or), and commitment to shower in blood. Johntoya came over after work. We burned a few forests & found ourselves to be in a bit of hunger. Over to Whittier we drive. We basked in the wonderful company of kanicky, danny, uri, juelz, zamboni & jake v and dined on the the deliciously fulfilling burritos and salads of Chiptole.
We returned to casa de Samaoya's where johntoya, danny, uri & i spoke of tits & guitars.
Back to bridge town it was for john and myself. We spent the remained of our night burning more forests and jammin' some sick tunes. We failed on making our way to our neighborhood titty joint.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
10:41 A.M.
I was awoken by the godly voice of Miss. Lexie Godoy. HAHA!
I picked her up from Chi's house. Invaded my local Target where I purchased some high-quality 100% cotton boxers & a sick psycho water jug. My life drastically, temporarily & materialistically improved almost instantly. About 15 minutes later it went downhill & returned to my cool humble abode.
I brewed Alex some passion tea & figured out it was similar to the passion fruit lemonade.
Fuck starbucks I can brew my own shit at home & make it better. I'll get a job there one day & take them down from the inside. I'll add my own foreign ingredient into their each and every recipe.
Iced Marijuana Macchiato?
Idk if that'll be detremiental to the company or aide them in acquiring more dead presidents.
Either way I'll obliterate that company one day, but for now back to my real life! After brewing tea, Godoy, Bryan and his buddy Michael, and myself headed over to the Brea shopping center. On our joyous fieldtrip to Brea, Michael, Bryan & myself started a forest fire. The trees burned and burned but smokey was no where to be found. I guess he really doesn't care about mari's forest. We visited our great friend chEdwin at his place of employment. Zumiez blows but chEdwin's got a hot manager. We waited until it was his lunch break and feasted the poor man's feast. It was delicious. chEdwin returns to Zumiez religiously and the rest of the gang and myself find ourselves enjoying the beautiful scenery on our way back to the bridgetown. Bryan and Mike depart as they figure out their plans for Nocturnal while Godoy and I meet up with Johntoya and we rest for a moment in my home.
We decided to pay Whittier another visit in celebration for Joshy Josh's birthday bash extravaganza!
John had a Jower Session while Alex & I waited. He finished after what seemed like forever and we then drove to Nug-Nug's lilly pad to scoop him up and off we were on another fieldtrip to lovely friendly hills. The four of us arrived at Michigan park and thought his party was the one with all the Cholitos from the barrio. We were wrong. We once again feasted upon some delectable salads. I thorougly enjoy vegetables and Josh's mom killed it with those salads. The ice cream and cup cakes were great as well. Johntoya & Nug-Nug also wanted to party it up at Nocturnal so John, Nug & myself left whittier promptly circa 7:30 P.M. Alex stayed behind and enjoyed the rest of her night with the awesome wolfpack.
John & Nug depart from me around 8:30 P.M. where Mario arrives in my Night.
Mario and I visitied Mari's wonderful garden and we set fire to it. One bowl of capn' kush & we were makin' love to the sky. We joined forces Bizzle, Troy & 2 other dudes I didn't know. We twisted up another Blunt & rekindled the flame of love with miss Jane, excluding Mr. Kokinis & MAS. Jane, She's a crazy lady. I dropped off those 2 random dudes cause i didn't feel like chillin w/ some loosers and took Bizzle home. Some ingredient did him Dirty & he threw in the towel. Mas, Troy & myself headed to chEdwin's & scooped him up for a great meal at Bj's. We had beer, pizza & strawberry lemonade. Mario called it a night & took us each to our respectable homes or means of transportation. I came up on a bottle of sweet black whiskey & by this time (12:00 a.m.) Johntoya, Adam, Georgie, Nug-nug & Boba were on their way back home from Nocturnal. They tried sticking it to the man & sneaking in but they failed. The night continued with Adam, Georgie, Boba, the Columbian and myself. We all had an orgy with Mary again.
The combination of the sweet devil's milk & mary's fruits had my vision blurred & my senses lowered. I was ready to poke somethin' or head home. The reality was the latter.
It is currently Sunday, September 14, 2:55 P.M.
My dormitory has been sweeped of all it's demons, the walls scathed with some cleaner and the entire thing bathed with a scent which was pleasant to my nostril.
I patiently await the remainder of my Weakend....
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