It always strikes me as a bit ignorant when certain beings, especially those who have a huge influence over people (primarily those behind the microphones), will openly smash a person's foundation. Unless attacked, it is NEVER, EVER right to tear people apart, regardless of a person's beliefs.
You as human beings (i exclude myself because i'm aware of this re-occurring problem) seem to possess an inability to comprehend the power of words and their extent.
Next time you feel attacked, step back analyze the situation, don't REACT & RECIPROCATE. Instead THINK & THEN ACT.
a)a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
b)a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
c)affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
a)to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort: to lead a group on a cross-country hike.
b)to influence or induce; cause: Subsequent events led him to reconsider his position.
c)to guide in direction, course, action, opinion, etc.; bring: You can lead her around to your point of view if you are persistent.
–verb (used without object)
a) to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
–verb (used with object)
b)to have confidence or faith in the truth of (a positive assertion, story, etc.); give credence to.
c)to have confidence in the assertions of (a person).
–verb (used with object)
a)to construct (esp. something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials: to build a house.
b)to establish, increase, or strengthen (often fol. by up): to build a business; to build up one's hopes.
c)to mold, form, or create: to build boys into men.
d)to base; found: a relationship built on trust
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Brainfreeze (BrainMouth & Co.)
It could be that they are my really close friends or maybe it's the fact that they shred hard, but all bullshit aside Brainfreeze fucking rules and since they rule you should check them out!

Demo 2007 (download)
2)Fed Up
3)For Myself
4)Full of It
7)Mind Game
8)No Time
9)You're A Joke

Summer Jams/We've Had It!
1)Past is Past
2)Fall Apart
3)Lonely Emotions
4)Who Am I?
5)Trash City
6)The Cycle
Demo 2007 (download)
2)Fed Up
3)For Myself
4)Full of It
7)Mind Game
8)No Time
9)You're A Joke
Summer Jams/We've Had It!
1)Past is Past
2)Fall Apart
3)Lonely Emotions
4)Who Am I?
5)Trash City
6)The Cycle
the fuzzler is on his way.
I wonder, can his cup really hold the nothing which is everything?
I wonder, can his cup really hold the nothing which is everything?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pessimist v. Optimist.
ENDGAME- Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I suppose it's only fair I keep you up to date with this thing.
October 10 was so much fun.
We were second to last to play inside this rad house when we were supposed to be third to start but ended up getting pushed back. We set up and we all lost control.
So much fun. I can't even put it into words.
I enjoyed a live Cro-Mags jam set along with some Oi/punk & Trad. Ska jams. That ruled.
No Liskfest for me, but i'm okay with that.
Still more fun to come.
do yourself a favor and check the links above.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
There is no meter
created or invented that can gauge my level of excitement for this current moment!
Stabbed me in the back!
Someone I trusted.
let's get things straight.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
In all honesty.
I'd like to state that I don't like either Micro or Macro Economics nor do I find any interest in them.
Business is the wrong major for a dude as chill as I.
I don't even like money.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I'll see how many of these functions, which i've deemed as great, I will actually attend.
First off Cro-Mags will be playing an all-ages free show on October 8th, 2008 at the Nike Sportswear Vine St. Theater in Hollywood. Only band I dig pushing that NYHC style. We're all seekers of the truth...
Second of all Badmouth at The Hickey Underworld. After researching this place it turns out that it's a house which belongs to a member(s) of the band Cut The Line. I've seen a few pictures of this place and it's inside a living room & people are straight gettin' hurt inside! all over the place!! Brew & Bud everywhere? At least for the Mouth's set.
The following day will be overflowing with Friends & Fun!
The Rock concert of the century! Whittiers pals in attendance.
Gorilla Biscuits? Yes! Disco Biscuits? Nah!
Other artists/bands will be added. I read somewhere that Between The Buried & Me were playing. I hope that's a fact & not a lie because those guys are insanly good. Talented. I could careless if you rendered all and future opinions of mine as dumb because of my musical interests. It just shows me how much of your brain you actually utilize.
The following weekend Badmouth will be playing another house show. Houses rule so long as the show doesn't get shut down. Playing in someones backyard or house adds to that DIY ethic/feeling and that is awesome. We'll be playing with our bestest buds Amongst Wolves & Moon Skull as a means to help their friend earn money for a trip she has planned to D.C.
Tuesday, October 21st
Q&A with Ian McKaye (Minor Threat, Fugazi, Teen Idels) at UCI.
We're granted the opportunity pick at his brain & taste his thoughts.
What more could we ask for?
October 25th & 26th Badmouth returns!
We'll be playing at The Grananda Theater on the 25th in Ontario with Moon Skull & Amongst Wolves and a few others once more. This place ruled first time we played it. Very good reaction and they treated us very well. I might head over to Monster Massive after, but only if i can get in for free.
The following day, October 26th, we'll be in North Hollywood @ the Cobalt Cafe with our pals in Anxiety Attack & this super good band called Restrained.
One week later will be Friday, October 31st, 2008.
My 22nd birthday. Exciting? Not really, just the stinging reminder that with wisdom comes wrinkly skin & a head of thinning hair.
Have Heart, Blacklisted, CEREMONY, very unimportant band lacking talent & intellectual lyrical content, & Creatures will be tearing it up this night at Chain Reaction. Chain Reaction always has a Hardcore Halloween show & this years seems to be a good one despite one lame band. As of late I don't back any of the shows or the actions being taken over at Chain Reaction, but this is a great show. I'll be attending. Creatures are good people and their jams are heavy. Blacklisted hits close to home with the lyrical content. CEREMONY. CEREMONY. Enough said.
Right after Ceremony's set I'll be heading out to Los Angeles for Hard Haunted Mansion.
Justice, Simian Mobile Disco, Boys Noize, Crystal Castles, Crookers, Destructo & DJ AM.
I'm way stoked on this party. So many taltented bands & dj's I don't even know how i'll be able to catch them all. A lot of my close pals will be here celebrating the night away with me.
October, thus far, proves to be the most rewarding and exciting month of 2008 for me.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fair comes to town.

I check it out. Nothing new.
Long lines, freaks, cash generated through extrememly exaggerated prices, distorted minds, & crazies.
HIGHligts: strawberry funnel cake, trainwreck, ferris wheel session & bumper cars.
On another note I just received a demo from this sweet band.
Check Altered State out. They're holding it down for Virginia. So damn good.
Dassssallllllllllll fuh now.
Stay classy freakos.
Monday, September 22, 2008
dirty water flow.
Pink Floyd Surprise set & Justice dj set after hours.

First midterm of the semester tomorrow morning.
Haven't even studied because money sucks & the economy is going to shit.
Why should i even learn about it?
Anyway, I'm completly fed up with the lack of intelligent women. It seems as though I just can't meet any smart girls those with morals and value.
Just your typical run of the mill one night stand girls.
I'm fully & completely aware that i'm young and it's typical & common, but i want something real.
the days are getting short & i can feel the earth breathe.
I found a best friend in solitude.
We'll see how long before it is before he betrays me.
We'll see how long before it is before he betrays me.
until further notice, duty calls & money is a bitch.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
sunday september 21st 2008
good show last night.
nice chillin' with the buddies.
new sweater this morning.
a nice walk around the hood.
a splendid breakfast.
I anticipate the remainder of my day will not be a let down.
How can you just leave me standing alone in a world that's so cold?
maybe i'm just to demanding?
maybe i'm just never satisfied?
why do we scream at eachother?
this is what it sounds like when doves cry...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
hasta la vista baby...
i wish the sun would come to life & steal my day away.
Troy leaves for Birmingham on Friday. I hungout with him today. We didn't do anything amazing, but it was good to see him one last time before he's gone. He'll be doing a semester out there. He'll be gone until December.
What I didn't notice was that i've been gone long before he was.
Honestly, where is my head?
Bye Troy :]!!
Best of luck w/the english babes pal.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lost One.
I knew from the moment that I awoke that today was going to be "one of those days".
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Dear Reader,
World Darkness
Surroundings (side 1)
- static mind
- fist of pills
- Long Highways
- Crippeled by the Gospel
- Pack of Rocks
- Anubis
- Dead Shell
- Pestilence
p.s. disregard my previous post. The combination of marijuana smoke & heavy eyes don't yield good posts.
pins & needles
salt & pepper.
Reader i propose this question to you, "Who is the happier man , he who has braved the storm of life and lived, or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely exist?"
i don't need an answer. I just intended to stir up some critial thinking while waoo.sick for what?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Appetite for Construction...
Life as you know it my young reader will cease to exist.
The sales man will engage in his final transaction with lady death.
They'll fornicate and bring life to tree of happy money.
He'll sell the world and frame the check for his tyrant offspring.
We'll come together and generate support for Mr. Kite while we fix the hole in our heads.
We'll get by with a little help from our friends.
Everyone will hear and fear these poems we've engraved into their stones of hate.
Stories of lonely emotions who make their beds in the dark & rigid cold will abort us.
The elderly, unable to cope, will disown us and settle amongst the rocks and worms keeping the soil warm and fed.
We'll paint ourselves in fashion so they'll deem us attractive.
Get covert, infiltrate their home & feed poison to their children.
We'll rally with a vast amount of force and great intentions.
We'll defend what they don't understand & give life to construction.
We've learned what we can from them.
Their chance has gone hand and hand with the sun...
welcome the BAD side of the MOON.
Weakend at Loco's
1:50:00 A.M.
Later I was reimbursed for my hardworking, sleeping hours (or lack there or), and commitment to shower in blood. Johntoya came over after work. We burned a few forests & found ourselves to be in a bit of hunger. Over to Whittier we drive. We basked in the wonderful company of kanicky, danny, uri, juelz, zamboni & jake v and dined on the the deliciously fulfilling burritos and salads of Chiptole.
We returned to casa de Samaoya's where johntoya, danny, uri & i spoke of tits & guitars.
Back to bridge town it was for john and myself. We spent the remained of our night burning more forests and jammin' some sick tunes. We failed on making our way to our neighborhood titty joint.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
10:41 A.M.
I was awoken by the godly voice of Miss. Lexie Godoy. HAHA!
I picked her up from Chi's house. Invaded my local Target where I purchased some high-quality 100% cotton boxers & a sick psycho water jug. My life drastically, temporarily & materialistically improved almost instantly. About 15 minutes later it went downhill & returned to my cool humble abode.
I brewed Alex some passion tea & figured out it was similar to the passion fruit lemonade.
Fuck starbucks I can brew my own shit at home & make it better. I'll get a job there one day & take them down from the inside. I'll add my own foreign ingredient into their each and every recipe.
Iced Marijuana Macchiato?
Idk if that'll be detremiental to the company or aide them in acquiring more dead presidents.
Either way I'll obliterate that company one day, but for now back to my real life! After brewing tea, Godoy, Bryan and his buddy Michael, and myself headed over to the Brea shopping center. On our joyous fieldtrip to Brea, Michael, Bryan & myself started a forest fire. The trees burned and burned but smokey was no where to be found. I guess he really doesn't care about mari's forest. We visited our great friend chEdwin at his place of employment. Zumiez blows but chEdwin's got a hot manager. We waited until it was his lunch break and feasted the poor man's feast. It was delicious. chEdwin returns to Zumiez religiously and the rest of the gang and myself find ourselves enjoying the beautiful scenery on our way back to the bridgetown. Bryan and Mike depart as they figure out their plans for Nocturnal while Godoy and I meet up with Johntoya and we rest for a moment in my home.
We decided to pay Whittier another visit in celebration for Joshy Josh's birthday bash extravaganza!
John had a Jower Session while Alex & I waited. He finished after what seemed like forever and we then drove to Nug-Nug's lilly pad to scoop him up and off we were on another fieldtrip to lovely friendly hills. The four of us arrived at Michigan park and thought his party was the one with all the Cholitos from the barrio. We were wrong. We once again feasted upon some delectable salads. I thorougly enjoy vegetables and Josh's mom killed it with those salads. The ice cream and cup cakes were great as well. Johntoya & Nug-Nug also wanted to party it up at Nocturnal so John, Nug & myself left whittier promptly circa 7:30 P.M. Alex stayed behind and enjoyed the rest of her night with the awesome wolfpack.
John & Nug depart from me around 8:30 P.M. where Mario arrives in my Night.
Mario and I visitied Mari's wonderful garden and we set fire to it. One bowl of capn' kush & we were makin' love to the sky. We joined forces Bizzle, Troy & 2 other dudes I didn't know. We twisted up another Blunt & rekindled the flame of love with miss Jane, excluding Mr. Kokinis & MAS. Jane, She's a crazy lady. I dropped off those 2 random dudes cause i didn't feel like chillin w/ some loosers and took Bizzle home. Some ingredient did him Dirty & he threw in the towel. Mas, Troy & myself headed to chEdwin's & scooped him up for a great meal at Bj's. We had beer, pizza & strawberry lemonade. Mario called it a night & took us each to our respectable homes or means of transportation. I came up on a bottle of sweet black whiskey & by this time (12:00 a.m.) Johntoya, Adam, Georgie, Nug-nug & Boba were on their way back home from Nocturnal. They tried sticking it to the man & sneaking in but they failed. The night continued with Adam, Georgie, Boba, the Columbian and myself. We all had an orgy with Mary again.
The combination of the sweet devil's milk & mary's fruits had my vision blurred & my senses lowered. I was ready to poke somethin' or head home. The reality was the latter.
It is currently Sunday, September 14, 2:55 P.M.
My dormitory has been sweeped of all it's demons, the walls scathed with some cleaner and the entire thing bathed with a scent which was pleasant to my nostril.
I patiently await the remainder of my Weakend....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
familiar with the path, but still...
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